• No. We fervently believe in the value of providing this opportunity to anyone who has the desire to join with others to sing, sing, sing!

  • No. It is helpful when learning new songs, but Dr. Bergan is always willing to give extra help to singers, as needed, so that all can learn and perform the selected songs with confidence and joy.

  • No. OACC believes that music must be “for everyone”, and therefore we do not want financial challenges/hardships to prevent anyone at all from being able to sing with us.

  • No. We love to have as many singers as possible in all of our performances, but also fully understand that it is not possible for every member.

  • Prior to COVID-19, OACC averaged 4-6 performance opportunities per year. All performances vary on length and complexity given our collaborations with other arts organizations.

  • Most of them are, however, we have a wonderful collaborative relationship with the Southeast Iowa Symphony, who typically invites us to join them in 2 performances per year, and some of these performances can occur in Burlington and Mt. Pleasant, in addition to Ottumwa.

  • We sing a variety of songs and styles of music, from classical to broadway to contemporary/popular, etc. See Past Performances for a full listing of all performances from 2016-2022.

  • If we have an upcoming performance, we typically rehearse once a week until the week of that performance, when we may have 1-2 additional rehearsals during that final week. Most adult rehearsals are 90-120 minutes in length, and most children rehearsals are 60-90 minutes in length (with short breaks, as needed :-) We have different times of the year that are more busy than others and if we do not have an upcoming performance, we take those few weeks off and do not typically rehearse.


 Still have questions?

That’s okay! We’re happy to help. Please contact us directly here.